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Digital Camera

作者:胜Lueng 时间:2012-04-25 收藏

Digital cameras have already largely replaced conventional film cameras. Due to their convenience and their ease-of-use, digital cameras are rapidly becoming more and more popular. There is no requirement for film developing; users can check how their photos turned out immediately and reshoot them if necessary; the number of photos that can be stored is far greater than with a film camera and there is no need to change the film. Digital photos can be reproduced, distributed easily and special effects can be added to images. Recently, cameras have appeared with improved picture quality and a variety of added functions, such as the ability to record video and auto-recognition of subjects. In future we expect continuous and growing demand for higher picture quality, more advanced functions and lower power consumption.

Renesas responds to these requirements with the 78K0R/Lx3, R8C/Lx LCD drive control MCUs as well as devices such as motor drivers, thyristors for flash modules and IGBTs.

关键词: Digital Camera

